
The area treated may feel irritated; redness may develop and light scabbing may form.

  • Make sure you do not pick any scabbing. Premature removal of scabs may cause hyper or hypo pigmentation and/or scarring.

  • Using a Q-tip, apply a light layer of Dr. Rogers Balm, Aquaphor, or Vaseline to the area twice daily.

  • Sun protection must be used every day until healing is complete to avoid pigment changes.

  • Clean area with a mild cleanser daily, and gently pat dry.

  • Do not rub, cleanse with a washcloth, or use any exfoliants or products containing alcohol, retinol, or alpha hydroxy acids for 21 days after the treatment with Lam Probe.

  • For 48 hours DO NOT use a hot tub, swim in a pool, use a sauna, or steam room.

  • Make-up may be applied with a clean makeup sponge 24 hours after Lam Probe treatment.