Neck Rejuvenation Without Surgery
We all notice that with maturity, the neck can become lax, and wrinkles start to appear. As the skin thins, underlying muscle structures become more visible. Just like with the skin on your face, your neck and décolleté area show the signs of aging as time passes. However, this skin may be quicker to show these effects because it’s thinner than the skin on other parts of your body, and it’s also an area that sees a lot of sun exposure, which further damages the skin and cell structures.
Many men and women think this thinning skin makes them look older than they are and certainly older than they feel. What they don’t realize is that the scalpel is not the only method for achieving improvement in this area. Other good options exist that are much less invasive. Our current favorite is dilute Radiesse, and we have been seeing good results with minimal downtime.
Radiesse is a sterile dermal filler that was initially approved by the FDA in 2006. It is made from synthetic calcium hydroxylapatite, which is a particle that is naturally found in the body. These particles are suspended in a sterile gel carrier. Radiesse has well documented bio-stimulatory effects that cause an increase in collagen and elastin.
As the lower face and neck start to give way, Radiesse is one of our favorite go-to products. Our technique suspends the particles in a sterile saline mixture and places this solution under the skin like a thin veil. Because we use a round-tipped cannula, there is usually minimal bruising and a high level of safety. To get the best effect, we recommend receiving this procedure three times, spaced apart by 4-6 weeks. We have noticed an improvement, however, with just one treatment. Winter is the perfect time to get your neck in shape because we want you to feel good about your neck again!
Radiesse Neck Treatment SPECIAL. FEBRUARY - MAY 2020 ONLY!
Receive your first Radiesse neck treatment for $350 ($50 off, normally $400)
Your second for $325 ($75 off, normally $400)
Your third for $300 ($100 off, normally $400)