Things to Keep in Mind When Beginning a New Skin Care Regimen
One of the questions we often hear from clients is what day-to-day actions they should take in order to achieve clear, flawless skin. We recommend starting any skin care regimen with a visit to your aesthetician to determine your skin type and condition. During your visit, you will also receive some general guidelines that will set you on the right track to a stunning complexion. Before beginning any new skin care routine, however, consider the following:
Know Your Skin
This may seem obvious, but it’s worth overstating: before you start experimenting with different products promising a clear, smooth, wrinkle-free complexion, it’s important to know what specific concerns you're trying to address. Acne? Dry, flaky skin? Rosacea? Oily T-zone? If you’re unsure, our team of skin care specialists is happy to help you determine your specific skin type/condition.
Consider Your Region
If you live in the desert or the mountains of Colorado, your skin probably needs a greater dose of hydration than someone living in a humid climate. Take your region into consideration when choosing skin care products to ensure that you’re meeting your skin’s needs.
Start Simple
An effective skin care regimen does not need to be fancy! Regular visits with your aesthetician, coupled with a routine using professional products designed specifically for your skin type/condition is the key to healthy skin. We generally recommend that our clients start with the basics: a gentle cleanser, treating mist/toner, moisturizer, and sunscreen. If you are concerned with signs of aging, large pores, uneven skin tone, or breakouts, take it up a notch by adding in an exfoliant, serums, masks, and/or eye cream.
Be Consistent
You can have all the fancy products in the world, but the foundation of an effective skin care routine rests on daily practice. Every morning and evening, be sure to cleanse, tone, and moisturize for the best results.
Be Patient
Results don't often happen overnight! It takes about six weeks to start seeing a visible reduction in fine lines and wrinkles. For dark spots, you usually need to wait about two to three months—and you may not see results at all if you aren't using daily sun protection. To notice improvements to rough skin and the appearance of pore size, expect to wait about eight to 12 weeks.
Our team at Leah Nickie ADVANCED AESTHETICS is here to help you take the guesswork out of skin care and help you determine the most appropriate regimen for your unique skin type. Schedule an appointment for a free consultation, and let us help you achieve a smooth and flawless complexion.
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